marți, 11 ianuarie 2011

Hot stuff...

I need some f@^%ing hot stuff... I mean, I just re-enterd my usual program, you know: school, home, computer, sleep, computer, homework, sleep... and so on, the never ending cycle has resumed yet again. And eventhough it's just for three weeks I am already exhausted (after no more than six days of not so hard work :))). Well, I shouldn't really jump for joy, but I am quite excited by the prospect of a four days weekend that is just about to begin.
The bad part(yes there's a bad part) is that this duplicated amount of free time shouldn't be wasted, according to my mother, but since I am so bad at managing this problem I seriously doubt anything productive will surface at the end of these 94 hours, that's not even a hundred! My sole reason of pride will probably come from reforging the Armageddon Blade and killing the Destroyer with it... I am weak :(...

But who knows, I might go further on to the next stage, that would make my whole month xD, though the chances are so slim they could make a longitudinal section on a fucking hair ( >3< ). But look at the bright side! ...ummm...*-loading-loading-*: that should be the sleepover... I emphasize the fact that it will be only a half-slept night and in consequence the results of the next day will be as such, I tried this one time to fall asleep unusually early: IMpossible!, then I got up and tried to stay awake all the way through: IMpossible!
Half-measures...yep, that's what I have to cope with all the time. The path of the average x_X.

"Jag bryr mig inte."

luni, 15 noiembrie 2010

Life Inspired...

In a world governed by facebook notifications, my personal internet cage is upholstered with mails that fall into three categories:

The first, I have already mentioned. Every two hours or so, I check my inbox only to find out that I have ANOTHER 78 unread mails that unsurprisingly come from belgians or people that used to host such persons. Occasionally, and I mean RARELY... once a month at the most, come to think of it, I get tagged in a photo wich I really like, or get a comment wich I really enjoy reading and re-reading. Hopefuly, in the near future, we will have the option of NOT receiving mails for anything any piece of shit internet junky does. Facebook does that. And I don't have a fucking DISLIKE BUTTON, now that, I would like xD.

The second category is that of "EA Games monthly discounts". What actually pisses me of is that I do not only have an interdiction at acquiering ps3 games at normal prices, I can't get them at price reductions either. Remember: Save up to 50% on BioWare games.

Last, but not least, there are homework mails. Yep, informatics or english, or any other for that matter. Just when you thought nothing could go worse, this mail notification appears on the lower right corner of you're screen announcing you that not only have you been tagged in a crappy photo by some idiot you don't even know, you also have a homework, usually for the next day x_x.

"When life gives you lemons throw them at people who own expensive cars" - Todd Gandhi

duminică, 31 octombrie 2010

Fucking Schubert xD...

Fate takes us to the srangest of places, and makes us meet the stragest of people. Little did I and my friend know what it had in store for us. We went to this christian meeting ("Teen for the Sky" or smth...) at the newly opened cinema, drank our tea, ate our cookies and got the fuck out, religious people are dangerous for us nonbelievers o.O . I was quite willing to stay there because of the free food, but still... We got out, and decided not to wait any longer for our third party-memeber and take a taxi (this is the part where fate intervenes).

We gave it a lot of thought, and decided it was a good choice, so we asked the cab driver if he could get us to home for 5 "lions"... guess what, he couldn't ("6 sau mai mult"). So we didn't take it, thought we might wait another 5-10-15 minutes for the next tram, but cold weather forced us not to. Of course we didn't go to the same cab, we went to the furthest away from the first xD... We hopped in, didn't even look at the guy. "Prima statie de dupa politie, va rog". I took a peek at the driver, and guess what, it was fucking MARLON BRANDO!!! "Va place muzica clasica, baieti?", "sure do sir", "Schubert e bine, sau vreti altceva?", "(o.O WTMFF) Schubert e bun". It's the first cab drive I actually enjoyed.

I wonder if he would have made us, let's say, an offer we couldn't refuse if we didn't like Schubert's concerts by Andre Rieu... Better not to think of it :D.

I salute you, cab-driver!!!, and hope you will offer me your services once more, but until then, drive safe.

duminică, 17 octombrie 2010

World Schools, new format...

Truly a great weekend it has been, not only have I made myself a mess in public, I almost puked in front of some 20-25 people(for reasons unnecesary to be told). It is a known fact that you mustn't go to sleep before the dizziness has gone away, for you will suffer grave consequneces :D(LFMF). The only thing that actualy made me smile was the image of a certain internationally renown individual walking down the hallway naked in heeled black suede boots with the hand-out papers covering his manly-hood (too bad it didn't actualy happen :(...). I didn't make fun of him or his exagerated femininity(since almost all the "more feminin" dudes I know rock the floor of life with a mop dripping of native-trained intelligence, wich, by the way, I greatly admire), it was just an idea hinted by my curly, starry-eyed friend under the effect of the man-essence (they do say it in the commercial:"it's just for the strong"). What can I say, IMMD :D.

All of it exceeded my expectations, I even met the dude that got me to Serbia this summer in a Mac (HOW COOL IS THAT?!), I was just exiting the men's room, where this guy was waiting because he didn't know the code(it was 1980#). I can't really describe to you the joy and relief on his face when he saw that door open, oh, how I love the sheer sincerity of a, let's say, well deserved smile in the morning, eventhough it was lunch time, but those are details.

So, this parliamnet considers that superior studies supported in foreign countries is detrimental to reaching posibilities of better development. I say it's bull-, but the jury held it a draw... I may prove to be reductionist in this matter, but shouldn't you take advantage of conditions if you can? Whatever, an official decision is an official decision. This is our final resolution and so it will remain T^T.

What do you say?

luni, 11 octombrie 2010

What were the odds...

JESUS MF CHRIST!!! This was really a punch from God... i couldn't believe my eyes. I was just sitting in the tram station with my friend, reacalling "childhood memories". None of us expected what was to happen. Among all the usual masses there was this guy that just caught my eye. He had white hair straight and shiny on his head and a short complete beard with moustache and sidebars of the same colour with a lace of grey verticaly under his lips.
"Dude... IT'S FUCKING SARUMAN!!!", "Or, Or maybe the wind will blow aside his jacket and we'll see a glimpse of his light saber!". For a second there, I really did convince myself he was Lee 8->...
Ah, if only...

miercuri, 6 octombrie 2010

Deci tu acum imi dai o tigara...

It happens again... you know, usualy I hear things like "roakare, cand te tunzi?" or even simply and directly "ai bani?". My gosh, aren't people stupid... Today, I was just going Onwards, like usual, along with one of my...let's say not too modest friends... with him complaining about stuff that I really shouldn't care of(negativism is baaad, or so they say), but sadly, I do. Sometimes I think I am too good for my own good and instead of listening continousely to misshapen lamentations(I don't know why, it just sounded cool :D), I should take a nap and eventualy open a notebook of some sort...neaaah, not gonna' happen...

Where was I now? We were just exiting the university and crossed the road to the bus station, where (for a long time, I should guess, since he was stil there when I went home) sat a bald man with a pretty ridiculous moustache and short beard. Looking intensely at my green-yellow-red-black hat and the other guy's strangely worn jacket and possibly hand position, he shouted **see title** probably as loud as he could, anyways, loud enough for the other three rather dubious looking characters to turn their heads in wild hope.

Sorry dudes... no stuff here. I didn't quite know what to say in response, so I did what any sane man would..."shut up and walk"...

marți, 5 octombrie 2010

Potato peeling...

"vad domnu'...vad"...Great God, it was understandable, yes, predictable also... come to think of it, I already knew, but frankly there did exist a small crumb of useless hope. Not my fault, no sirry... it's my colleagues: they kept feeding it continuously. And I listened, to my detriment. Now, I am searching for last year's notebooks. I have found three of them...wait, what?! NOOOOOOOOO... irony is cruel...

Truly, someone up there is mocking me, laughing at my faileures in life. Let's just hope this one won't dictate my future, and i'll finnaly rise above averageness, in wich, by the way, I am currently drowning. Blame the lazyness :D(again, not my fault...probably my parents'). But, you know, eversince I heard the magic word o' five letters and one syllable, I discovered I am more receptive to numbers, actualy only to a certain category of them, to be precise.
Sometimes, i feel like a jerk, because I keep having my usual claims/pretentions, as if nothing happened, eventhough ultimately, I don't really care. At one point in my childhood, I began confusing guilt with hunger :D...this may be a possible cause of my present problems, not sure though.

"uite... asa se ridica la patrat..."-Now, I keep hearing this and probably will keep hearing it for the ramainder of my days... or until I get the formula straight inside... See you threemorrow.